ISCA maintains a vigorous program of government relations and advocacy for the school counseling profession in Iowa. The association believes that students benefit when counselors successfuly advocate on state and federal legislative issues related to students and school counseling.
Advocacy is a key component to being an effective school counselor. Not only is it critical for school counselors to serve as advocates for their students, it is also important that school counselors advocate for their own profession.
Check out these things you can do to get involved this legislative session.
Legislative Update
Contact Your Legislators today on important issues.
To find out who your senators and representatives are please check out the Find Your Legislator page of the Iowa Legislature website.
Get Involved
If you are interested in becoming involved in the Advocacy Committee email Lauren Cerqueira.
Visit the HillThank you to those who were able to join us for our advocacy event in February! Past-President Aimee Hospodarsky speaks with her representative at Day on the Hill. | 2024 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESThe ISCA Board has approved the following priorities for the 2024 Legislative session. Protect Iowa's AEA'sAddressing Funding Inequities in Iowa's SchoolsAdequate funding is imperative to allow a quality 21st century K-12 education that prepares students to become productive, engaged, workforce-ready citizens. Mid-year funding cuts, even in years of economic hardship, harm students and limits access to quality educational experiences. Mental Health Access for Iowa's StudentsYouth and their families require access to and adequate funding for mental health services statewide. The Equitable Treatment of Iowa's StudentsEvery student, regardless of zip code, has the right to a healthy, robust educational environment that is physically safe and emotionally secure, so they are able to learn. The Role of the School Counselor in IowaSchool counselors are in a unique role to provide access to social emotional learning, college and career planning for postsecondary success, and academic supports for all students. School counselors are most effective when they are working within the ASCA recommended ratio of 1 school counselor for 250 students. Local ControlLocally elected school boards are best positioned to address the needs of students and families, staff, and the school community. Local control allows flexibility for each district to meet its own unique needs and respond quickly and appropriately to changing community circumstances. |
Level 1
- Be physically visible
- Introduce yourself and use School Counselor terminology and signage everywhere
- Develop a program brochure
- Implement ASCA Model and Iowa School Counseling Framework - Use data!
- Print business cards
- Celebrate National School Counselor Week
- Use social media to communicate
- Bulletin boards
- Know how you are funded
- Consistent communication and conversations with administrators and staff
- Advisory committee
- Join professional organizations
- Join ISCA and ASCA and attend conferences
- Display ISCA/ASCA membership certificate, clothing, mug, water bottle etc
- Nominations for SCOY and ISCA grants
Level 2
- Yearly goal setting aligned with district goals using data
- Develop PLC (Professional Learning Committee)
- Management agreement
- Time Analysis
- Develop and share calendar
- Presentation on program results with staff, admin, school board, and PTA
- Use School Counselor Evaluation Tool
- Member of building leadership committees
- Connections with community
- Active in ISCA
- Present at ISCA conference
- Be informed about state legislative issues. Contact legislators and attend forums
- Attend Visit the Hill Day
Level 3